วันอังคารที่ 12 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

Wodyetia bifurcata

Wodyetia bifurcata

Biology And Ecology
Wodyetia occurs in open woodland communities consisting of rain forest elements in coarse, loose granite sand, among huge granite boulders, with the main canopy being the palms themselves. Other tree species associated with it are low forms of Ficus obliqua, F. benjamina (semi-creeping), Buchanania arborescens, Polyalthia nitidissima, Myristica insipida, Diospyros reticulata var. ferrea, Cryptocarya bidwilli, and vines Capparis sp., Cissus sp. It extends 1-2 km, downstream, along open forest creeks at the foot of the granite boulder hills. Here it may be found amongst Eucalyptus polycarpa, E. drepanophylla, Cochlospermum gillvrayei and Bombax ceiba forest. It appears to be absent from dense closed forest communities in the area. In these communities the palm Archontophoenix alexandrae is a prolific upper canopy species. Altitude range is 60-400 m a.s.l. Climatic conditions have a strong seasonally dry component, with drought stress likely to be significant for six months of the year. Annual rainfall is reckoned to be about 1400-1600 mm, confined mainly to 3-4 months of the year, DecemberMarch (Summer Wet). Mature fruit is present in October-December, open flowers are likely to be found in DecemberFebruary. Seed germinates in 2-3 months, coinciding with the wet season, but sporadic germination continues for at least 14 months. (Irvine, A. 1983)

Palma compta 6-15 malta, caule 20-25 cm diametro, aliquanto lageniformi. Pinnae primariae regulares 90-107, in sectione medio folii 14-17 segmentis divisae; pinnae terminales binatim vel singularis; segmenta 765-950, supra nitida, viridia, infra pallidioria, hebetate-viridia, nitore dilute-albido propter punctuationes numerosas, parvas, albidas, densas, in sicco pellucidas. Gemma staminata filamentis squamis destitutis stylodio leviter curvato, squamis destitutis. Fructus maturus cum calyce 60-65 mm longus, sine calyce 4957 mm longus, 27-37 mm latus, vestigio stigmatis 8-10 mm longo. Semen ca. 32 x 22 mm. (Irvine, A. 1983)

